Effective Test Cases
Often a question arise of writing effective test cases in software testing. Though writing test cases can be a easy task for SQA, it is often hard to believe that whether these are overall effective test cases. Though my previous post, Effective Software Testing in 10 steps, covers effective software testing as a broad idea, this post concentrates on guidelines for writing effective test cases.
+ Stick to software design specifications while deriving test cases. In case where design specifications are not available, work closely with respective developer. This should cover all functional test cases.
+ Start with basic or easy inputs. Try to work out product functionality first. Then go for more complex set of inputs.
+ For every test case define pre-condition
+ It would be good to write test cases as series of events rather than creating independent test cases. This will also ensure smooth workflow of events as a part of testing.
+ Try to amalgamate multiple test cases into single test cases if possible.
+ Automate as many test cases as possible. If possible and also makes sense then automate multiple test cases into a single automated test script. IMO there is no rule that states one-on-one mapping of test cases to automated test scripts.
If you have more suggestions for making test cases more effective then let everyone know in comments below.
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Mandar Pise
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Mandar is a seasoned software professional for more than a decade. He is Cloud, AI, IoT, Blockchain and Fintech enthusiast. He writes to benefit others from his experiences. His overall goal is to help people learn about the Cloud, AI, IoT, Blockchain and Fintech and the effects they will have economically and socially in the future.
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